Saturday, June 1, 2013

35 Life Lessons In A Nutshell

35 Life Lessons In A Nutshell:
01- People who want to be with you, will find a way.
02- Do no tallow abuse or disrespect.  You are valuable and deserve respect.
03- Spend time with happiness givers, not happiness suckers.
04- Feel the fear and do it anyway.
05- Own your truth and stay out of denial.
06- Be present and stay present.  Awareness is key.
07- Your needs have value; do not ignore them.
08- Achieving dreams requires action.  Take the small steps now.
09- Stop trying to be anything but you.
10- You are not your past.  Do not go there; let it go.
11- Forgive yourself.
12- Mistakes are not bad; they teach us valuable lessons.
13- Doing something is better than nothing.
14- Trying has a higher probability of success than quitting.
15- Be grateful.  You have received many gifts, you have been blessed.
16- Be responsible; only you can control your actions.
17- You are stronger than you think.
18- You always have a choice in your response and attitude.  Choose wisely.
19- Love is all around. You just have to choose to see it.
20- Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
21- Seize the moment.  Seize opportunity.
22- Limits are self-imposed.  You CAN do it.
23- Look for the positive in any situation, event and person.  It is there.
24- The only person you need to impress is yourself; stop competing with others.
25- Give, do not take.
26- Hating someone only hurts you.
27- Do not debate; everyone is entitled to their own view, perspective.
28- Challenge yourself; this is how you grow and get better.
29- What is important is what YOU think & believe, not what others think & believe.
30- Focus on what you want, and you will create it.
31- Have an open mind.  Anything is possible.
32- Practice kindness.  
33- Right & wrong are matters of perspective.  Be tolerant of differences.
34- Always remember that your future has not yet been written.  Write a good one.
35- Your purpose in life is to fulfill your potential and share it.

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