Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Abandoning Excuses & Acknowledging Accomplishments....

Abandoning Excuses:

"I'll do it tomorrow!" ~ "I'll start tomorrow!"
These are a few of my favorite excuses.  All it is, is an excuse to put things off.  I'm a master at this.  I have all kinds of excuses to support them.  I justify my actions now, with excuses.  It's time for me to start doing "today", and stop avoiding the issues.  I need to stop putting off until "tomorrow", what I can do today!

"Why bother?" ~ This is another favorite of mine.  Instead of just hunkering down and getting it done, I divert from the issue. This goes along well with the previous two excuses.  Even if it seems no one else cares, deep down inside, I do care!  It bothers me!  When these kinds of things start building up, they affect my mental state.  No amount of diverting from the issue is going to make the issues go away.  I need to "bother", because tackling the issues is what is going to bring me to a healthier state of mine.

"Past" & Present"  ~ I simply have to stop transferring the blame to other people and past experiences.  These two words go along well with the other excuses.  I use events of the past and present, to excuse the other excuses.  Ultimately my poor choices and decisions of the past, have brought me to where I am today.  They are the root of my issues.  It's time for me to clean up my own messes and grow up.

Acknowledging Accomplishments:

I think it is time for me to start focusing on my accomplishments and the positives in my life, rather than dwelling in the mistakes and problems.  No matter what happened in the past, the future is mine to mold into whatever makes me happy. 

So what is there about me, that I need to be paying more attention to? 

First of all, I participated in the creation of five beautiful people.  One may have already passed on to heaven and be with God, but she has made a big impression on me, just as the others have.  The four who I have been blessed to spend time with, are my greatest accomplishments.  There are unique characteristics about each of them, that make me extremely proud of them.  I will always be thankful for the opportunity of being their mother.

Second:  I have three beautiful dogs who I have been blessed to have in my life currently.  These creatures are so loving, so giving, and give me so much joy.  I may not be able to save every dog from undesirable conditions, but when it comes to these three, I can give them my very best. 

Third: I stepped out of my comfort zone and enrolled in college classes.  I have maintained a 4.0 GPA so far, and my intent is to hold onto that for as long as possible.  This is building my confidence and a part of paving the road to a better future.

Fourth: I have the ability to nurture, and to destroy.  As time goes by, my desire to nurture and encourage people, grows.  I want to be a good person.  I want to be happy.  I choose to remain optimistic.  I am not a quitter.  No matter how heavy things seem to be sometimes, I persevere and I keep trying, hoping and surviving.

Now, for some minor accomplishments for today:
1- I cleaned out the front closet.
2- I un-assembled the Christmas lawn decorations, and returned them to their boxes.
3- I read Chapter 1 of the Compound Effect.
4- I am starting the Ultimate Reset today.

Goals for tomorrow:
1- Work on cleaning the back, storage room.  (Invest at least 1 hour.)
2- Scrub down the downstairs bathroom & change the shower curtain.
3- Bake 60 cupcakes for the band fund-raiser.

Additional Thoughts:
Little things like putting on music that I enjoy, motivate me and leave me in a better mood.
I will invest in my mental state, by turning up the music and enjoying myself while I work.

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