Sunday, July 14, 2013

START: pgs 135-148

START; Punch Fear In The Face, Escape Average, Do Something That Matters, Jon Acuff.

A dream that you don't have to fight for isn't a dream-- it's a nap.  While naps are delightful, they do very little to move you closer to awesome.  Awesome changes your world.  Awesome is not a casual affair.  There's always some degree of scuffle and opposition.  As long as you're pursuing your true awesome, you won't shrink from a fight.

To be more awesome at whatever you've chosen, find your version of rehab- somewhere you can practice being awesome.  Get experience.  Volunteer.  Take a part-time job.  Be led.

Sometimes along the way a sense of impatience and even entitlement, gets tangled with our sense of entrepreneurship.  We're so desperate to be "the one" right away.  We're so eager to start our own course, that we don't think we need to be led.  Don't lose the value of wise counsel.  Don't lose the honor of sitting under someone else's leadership.  Don't lose the joy of building something slowly, that impacts multiple generations and not just our lives.

Be led.  Be taught.  Remain a learner.   Don't avoid opportunities to gain experience and wisdom.

Do reps.  If you want to get better at something, do the reps.

We often think talent is the key to awesome.  If you pull back the curtain, you find it takes an incredible amount of work. 

Personal Notes:
This all scares the crap out of me.  Fear and doubt are creeping up on me again, making me listen to questions of "who do you think you are? what will make you special? do you really think you're good enough?  what makes you think they'll choose you? you have a strong history of failure, what makes this time different?" 

I'm not a quitter!  I have to make changes, both now, short-term, and long-term.  I have to be ready, and my time is running out.  Illinois is looming up ahead and I have to be ready!

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