Thursday, July 11, 2013

START; How Do You Define Awesome? pgs 111-122

START; Punch Fear In The Face, Escape Awesome, 
Do Work That Matters, by Jon Acuff

Awesome is the core of who you are.  It is your heart, your soul; it is what makes you, you.  A job title is just a consequence of you living out of your awesome.  Being awesome is about finding the core of who you are and what lights you up.  Be the best version of you.

Awesome doesn't let the crowd determine the size of the performance.  Awesome has a huge heart.

Inside the land of editing, you have to decide what in your life is going to be a diamond and what is going to be a rock.  You make that decision.  You assign value to the things in your life, and that value will radically change how you interact with them.

Diamonds are hidden in plain sight right in front of you.  Time is the only honest indication of what really matters to us.  Intentions are ambitious liars.  If you ask your intentions what your diamonds are right now, they will tell you whatever it is you want to hear.  

If you want to know what the diamonds and rocks are in  your life, check your calendar....meaning, take a look at what you do in your day.  Where do you spend the bulk of your time?

Do not chase awesome with a definition made from someone else.


Personal Notes:

I sure waste a lot of time.

I've also allowed my awesome be defined by a definition made by someone else.

What could I be changing?  I could be incorporating exercise into my day.  I could be more productive between 8-5.  I could still turn my priority list into a better version.

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