How many of my behaviors have I not 'voted on'?
What am I doing that I didn't consciously choose to do, yet continue to do every day?
What percentage of shared responsibility do I have in making relationships work?
Thought For The Day:
It's easy to point fingers at others. There is a lot of finger pointing in the world, victim mentality, blaming, and expecting someone else or the government to solve problems.
Preparation: Consistently improving and preparing myself--my skills, knowledge, expertise, relationships and resources.Attitude: Seeing situations, conversations, and circumstances as fortuitous.
Opportunity: Shows up on its own accord.
Action: It is my job to make things happen.
Choices will always be the root of every one of our results. Each choice starts a behavior that over time becomes a habit. Don't choose at all, and you've made the choice to be a passive receiver of whatever comes your way. You make your choices, and then your choices make you. Every choice has an impact on the compound effect of your life. (pages 23-24)
Hit the pause button before stumbling into idiot territory. (page 24)
Choices are shaped by our culture and upbringing. (page 24)
It's the little things that bite you. "Elephants don't bite. Mosquitoes do."
It's the frequent, small and seemingly inconsequential choices that are of grave concern. (page 25)
Everything is up to me. I am responsible for everything I do, don't do, or how I respond to what is done to me. (page 29)
"Unlucky" is just another excuse. (page 30)