Pitfall thoughts feed your anxiety, self-doubt, hopelessness, and despair. This leads to behaviors that cause more of these unpleasant feelings. Pitfall thoughts make you feel helpless, worthless, and unsafe, and they can contribute to feeling stuck, trapped, and bored. (pg 54)
Seven Pitfalls:
#1- Personalization
Personalization is when I assume that something is happening because of me. I choose an explanation that involves blaming myself. If you personalize something, just about every explanation for anything that goes wrong, begins and ends with you not being good enough. Blaming myself and taking things personally makes me feel hopeless, helpless, and unworthy.
#2- Pervasiveness
Pervasiveness is when any problem in any area of my life invades all the others. If one part of my life goes bad, I shut down in all areas. I allow one weakness to nullify all my strengths.
When something goes wrong in one part of my life, it is easy to let that affect all of my life. The antidote to pervasiveness is perspective. (pg 57)
#3- Paralysis-Analysis
This pitfall involves getting stuck in my own thoughts, trying to analyze what is wrong with me every time a sad, angry, or unpleasant feeling surfaces. (pg 57)
#4- Pessimism
Pessimism in this context means believing the worst-case scenario. If there is a good evidence to think that something won't work, or that danger is approaching, then by all means, take appropriate action. When pessimsm is your default response to any setback, it is time to reframe your thoughts. Don't confuse what's possible with what's probable.
Pessimists are always imagining the worst-case scenario, in which any setback can easily be seen as the beginning of a catastrophe. This thinking leads to depression, anxiety, and despair.
#5- Polarization
Polarization is seeing things in terms of "either/or"; black or white, yes or no, on or off.
#6- Psychic
This is the frame of mind in which we are sure we know what another person is thinking, we believe he or she should know what we are thinking and what we need, and we also think we know the future. We think we are sure of a lot of things that we actually cannot really know. Giving up our "psychic" pitfall thinking can be very difficult because it often feels as though we are giving up our claim to know the truth and to protect ourselves. Sometimes we are living inside our own fears, wishes and projections.
#7- Permanence
Using the past or present to judge the future. It is very tempting to judge the future by the past, especially because that makes us the expert. We know what happened in the past, so now we can know what's going to happen in the future. We can protect ourselves from disappointment and maybe even avoid the hard work of transformation and growth.
Booster Attributes: The 7 P's to Master
Pitfalls erode your brain chemistry and booster qualities improve your brain chemistry. The more of these booster attributes you fill your life with, the fewer pitfall thoughts you will have.
Booster Attribute #1- Purpose
Filling our lives with purpose is the best way to cultivate lasting and meaningful happiness.
Booster Attribute #2- Peace
Bring peace into your life.
Filling our lives with peace has a direct effect on weight. A lack of peace increases the stress hormone cortisol in the brain, which tells the body to store fat in the most dangerous place, the belly.
Booster Attribute #3- Pride
Enjoy the qualities and achievements that you are most proud of.
Booster Attribute #4- Power
We all need to feel powerful, to experience a sense of competency and mastery in some area throughout our lives. You can increase your sense of power by knowing you are a good parent or that you are really good at something else. People who do not feel power are prone to hopelessness, anger, low self-worth, and sadness.
Booster Attribute #5- Passion
When you engage in an activity you are passionate about, time seems to fly. Fill your life with things that are captivating.
Booster Attribute #6- Productivity
Distract yourself with something that makes you feel productive. Clean out the "junk drawer". Redirection, when we're feeling sad, helps to decrease many pitfalls in our life, especially paralysis-analysis, persuaveness and pessimism.
Booster Attribute #7- Pleasure
Do something that makes you happy.
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